So this week I taper off my long runs a bit. I was so excited to see only 10 miles on my calendar. (I’m somewhat following Hal Higdon’s Novice 1 Training Plan). I was even more excited
when I realized that I can now classify 10
miles as an easy run….it’s only
10 miles…Can we say #winning!!!
For some reason though, I thought my long run next week
would be 14 miles. Instead, it’s 15.
Thanks, Hal. Why do you play with my
emotions so?? I don’t know why this number scares me, but it
really, really does. It’s going to take
me like 3 hours to run that far and now I’m going to have to add songs to my
playlist…and aaaagggghhhh….
BUT, running like a madman all week does allow me to eat
like this:
Running also develops these things called muscles in your
legs and butt. Who knew? It’s really quite exciting stuff. I can say these things because I’m in a good
mood. It’s my rest day and I’m not all
hopped-up on Motrin with ice bags on my knees and I can make it up and down the
stairs to go to the bathroom without crying like a baby. I've also shrunk 3 ½ inches off my rear (BUT DON’T
TELL AMANDA, she needs no encouragement….I guess she does have a method to her Booty Busting Boot Camp madness).
Gluten for punishment is all I can say....
ReplyDeleteI'm proud of you sweetie, except when you do things like run int he dark!!!!