Thursday, October 10, 2013

Mel On..Never Underestimate the Power of a Good Running Buddy

This morning I woke up to a downpour. I knew for sure it would be raining too hard to do my run with my friend, Bri...and I'm not going to lie...I was a little excited.  We've been having such nice weather and this morning it was rainy and cold and just not fun weather to go run in and my bed was soooo nice and cozy...

But, by the time I got to the bus stop to meet Bri, the weather had settled into a semi-fine mist.  And, although it was still cold, we convinced ourselves that there was really no excuse to not get out there and run (check that...actually, SHE totally did all the convincing because I would have gone back home to my bed in a heartbeat).

So off we went and I am so glad we did.  The air was crisp and fresh and once we got started we didn't even care that it started sprinkling again.  It just felt good to be out there moving.  PLUS, I got to try out my new Gortex shoes...hey, hey, now!

I was a little worried about how hot they would get but it wasn't that bad.
They are a little heavier than my other ones but my feet stayed
dry and warm the whole time...and no blisters!

Then, seeing how I was now in a good mood and being around Bri makes think of Fem Fusion, once I got home I busted out her video series and got my fitness on.  See what you start, Bri!

(Photo:  Fem Fusion Fitness)

And that people, it why it pays to have such motivating friends!