I ran "the loop" today for the first time since
Athens. It's just a 5 mile loop in a nearby village, nothing spectacular about it...other than the fact that I have HOURS upon HOURS upon HOURS of run time on that thing!
(...ummmm, and it's gorgeous!) |
I wasn't prepared to get all emotional over a trail but stepping out onto it was really like being reunited with an old friend again! And, I actually
was reunited with some old friends again because today was a group run with some of the gals from my running group. It was so nice to see everyone and catch up
(literally, I literally had to catch up with most of them...
how are they so fast?!). I did it though, and I had a blast! I wasn't ready to end the run when it was over. I was so used to running it 3-4 times that I felt like I cheated by only running it once.
Although my legs would have gone again, my lungs were more than happy to end when we did! I woke up Sunday with a deep cough (kinda like
the one before the marathon). It scared me enough that I bailed on my long run and took another rest day...trying to be smart about it this time...
973.39 miles left to go!
Don't let it linger...get it checked out...or you may find yourself having to miss a lot more running...the flu bug is turning deadly this year. Sending feel better vibes your way.