Monday, July 21, 2014

Mel On...Sole Sisters

Well, yesterday was it.  My last official "run" with my running group...

and when I mean "run" I mean walk because I had to W-A-L-K my last "run" due to this darn knee!

It was definitely a bittersweet moment.  These women took a girl in - a girl who could barely run three miles more or less meet up for "5 Mile Fridays" - and help transformed her into someone she could believe in...someone who could go a total of 5 miles a week to "10 Mile Mondays."  Someone who went from her first 5K to her first marathon in less than two years.  Someone who couldn't think she could do someone who knows she can.

This place - and this group, especially - will always hold a special place in my heart.  Each and every one of you.  Because even if we didn't know each other personally, when we all met as Ramstein Runners we went from being strangers to sisters.  Sole sisters.  

Acceptance like that doesn't come easily.  Friends like that don't come easily.  I love this group and I love you.  I hope our trails meet again one day!  Until then, know you will always have a special place in my heart....auf wiedersehen!

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