Monday, September 30, 2013

Mel On...The 16 Miler

I was talking to my friend and running coach, Billy, last night.  He had just gotten done with a 22 miler (which really made me feel bad for dreading the 16 I was to run the next day).  I told him I was all hopped-up on cold meds and wasn't sure how the run was going to pan out.  I didn't hear from him before I went to bed but I saw his reply at 5:00 a.m.:  "Just run at conversational pace and enjoy it."

Mel On...Mama's Got a New Pair of Shoes!

Well...I did go to Fem Fusion last Friday but I did not do that 4-miler.  I did something much better for my knees (and my psyche)...Mama went shoe shopping!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Mel On...This Week's Training Update

OMG am I tired.  This week has been a rough one for me and I'm not sure why....but I have a feeling it has to do with my dear friend, Amanda, and a new running trail through the upper hills in our village...

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Mel On...RAB Half Marathon

Like I said, yesterday was the Ramstein Half Marathon.  I went into it thinking I would use it as a good training opportunity for the full and raise money for the Million Mile Run while doing it.  I wasn't going to focus on speed because I had already run a long-run that week.  However, after talking to my friend Billy, Kadin's dad and an amazing friend and running coach, I decided I was going to change that plan!

After giving me some much-needed training advice, Billy told me that he was sponsoring me for the Million Mile Run at $2 per mile.  Kadin's favorite number.  So that was it...I was going to try to finish in 2:22!

Mel On...Why the Million Mile Run?

Yesterday I ran the Ramstein Half Marathon, as part of the Million Mile Run, to raise money for childhood cancer research and development (check out the recap HERE).  Specifically, my donations will go to Leukemia and Lymphoma research in honor of a special little boy named Kadin.  Although I never got the chance to meet this amazing fella, I fell in love with him through his amazing family.

We have been friends with them for 4 yrs. now.  They are the kind of people who you just fall in love with instantly.  The wife is beautiful, the husband is hilarious, and the little girl is the sweetest person you will ever meet.  They will do anything for anyone without thinking twice about it.  They are Texas fans, but we try not to hold that against them.

So yesterday, and for the rest of September, I am honored to be running on behalf of their son.  If you haven't already donated, and would like to, please go's not too late!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Mel On...The 15 Miler

Well, it happened.  The dreaded 15-miler was yesterday.  And you know what?  It wasn't that bad!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Mel On...Gettin' Motivated

Today I watched "Spirit of the Marathon" in an attempt to get motivated for the 15-miler I have coming up tomorrow...and that whole marathon thing I signed up for in less than 2 months...

Friday, September 13, 2013

Mel On...Sprints, Pleeeease....

Today was sprints/interval speed work day.  Let me tell you, usually me and either s* word (speed or sprints) do NOT mix.  Today, the stars must have aligned because today I rocked that track.  ROCKED IT.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Mel On...Training Update

So this week I taper off my long runs a bit.  I was so excited to see only 10 miles on my calendar.  (I’m somewhat following Hal Higdon’s Novice 1 Training Plan).  I was even more excited when I realized that I can now classify 10 miles as an easy run….it’s only 10 miles…Can we say #winning!!!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Mel On....Deutsche Weinstrasse Half Marathon

I AM SO EXCITED!  I Just signed up for another half marathon…one that involves WINE!  You read correctly, my friends, WINE! Wohoo!  The only thing that could make this better would be…

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Mel On...Friendships

I have this friend.  Her name is Amanda...and I want to stab her.  However, my arms are barely cooperating to write this post, let alone pick up a heavy object with force.  That, and she'd probably run.  And the way these legs are feeling today, that ain't happening either.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Mel On...The Million Mile Run

I've started a group with a bunch of amazing runners to raise money for Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation for Childhood Cancer.  Throughout September we are making all our miles count...who's with us?!

You can donate through our fundraising page or sponsor an individual or the team on a per-mile basis.  It's only the first day and we have raised $740 and have ran a total of 17.5 miles.  I'm hoping to personally run over 100 and raise $1,000!

Here is the link; go check us out!