Thursday, March 20, 2014

Mel On...I Guess It's P.T. for M.E.

Well, well, well....I guess I owe you $5.  I went to the doctor the other day and was referred to Physical Therapy for the pain in the back of my knee. My first appointment is in two weeks...

(Actually, I had to strong-arm a referral out of the man because he did try to recommend the whole pop and Motrin and wait three weeks deal so we will call this one even).  

He thinks it might be a ligament that is angry back there or something (pain is on the outside of the back of my left knee).  Honestly, I have no clue what it could be.  I didn't fall or twinge it or anything that I can pinpoint when it happened.  According to my training log it started right after Nice (about a month ago).  It hurts the most now when I criss-cross my legs and/or extend my leg out.  It's like I can extend my right leg out quick and easy but my left is slower and harder now.  Not fun.

Then again, it might be my body telling me to HOLD THE PHONE
because 82.3 miles in 30 days just might be a little cray cray for this one.

My feet are also still miffed at me but NOTHING like before.  I have an appointment at the Health and Wellness Center to do another gait analysis and a functional movement screening (for injury prevention...probably should have scheduled that one sooner, eh?).

I also need to go sometime this week to look at some new running shoes.  I hit my 200th mile for the year on yesterday's run (I struggled through a 6.5 m tempo/hill run but kept a 10:14 average pace with stops) and that puts me at close to 500 miles on the shoes I have now.  Is it bad that I don't want to take a training day to have to go shopping...even if it is for running shoes?!


And, before I start to hear it from my wonderful mother (love you, Mama)...I AM TRYING to take it easy and play it smart.  I did take a complete rest week last week and I have nixed kickboxing from my weekly routine to add in another easy run. I have also been doing a daily yoga/stretching routine and Quick Core workouts (my daily challenge ends in 2 weeks!) so I am getting core/hip strength exercises in as well to help any imbalances I might have.  It's just so frustrating when it hurts to do something I LOVE!  Especially when I am trying to PR in memory of a very important person to me in just over a month!


1 comment:

  1. Love you! ♥ You are the essence of determination and or stubbornness. ;D
