Monday, March 17, 2014

Mel On...The Breakdown Before the Break-Through (hopefully)

Ok, not going to lie, last week was rough.  I just felt completely BLAH, my kids were sick, I was dodging it back and forth all week, my head wasn't in the game, I ate like crap, didn't have the energy to exercise, it was just rough.

I went from 4-hrs of cross-training and a 28-mile week to a 2-hr of cross-training and a .5-mile week!  It really hit my conscience and I honestly think the lack of exercise coupled with a week of crappy eating is what made me feel so blah...anyway...this week I AM IN IT TO WIN IT!

I met my running buddy, Bri, this morning and let me tell you, a good friend and a new trail will do wonders for a bad mood!  We were both talking about our crappy feeling week last week (I guess the blahs were making their rounds) and she told me it was probably "the breakdown before the break-though." How is that for positive thinking!  LOVE HER!

We ran 6 miles along a new route and then I cut off and did 3 more before heading home.  Mile 7 was pretty rough, I wanted to quit so bad but I kept repeating Bri's words, "breakdown before the break-through, Mel, breakdown before the break-through" and I kept going.  I even ran faster than "normal" with negative splits (9.1 m, 10:21 pace, including photo stops).

Yeah, that's a bison...

I think my body really did need a rest (go ahead with the "I told you so's" Billy and Bri!). My left hamstring feels a lot better.  It still smarts a little when I crisscross my legs and then extend it but nothing like before.  I did stay off the hills today too, which probably helped.  Most of my miles the week before last were all hill workouts.  Anyway, I go to the doctor tomorrow to get it checked out ($5 he recommends RICE and Motrin with a follow up in 3 weeks, $5).  I also plan to go back and get my foot-strike analyzed and look for a new pair of running shoes.  196 miles this year!  Only 804 more to go!

40 days, 12 hours, 9 minutes till MADRID!

Here's to what I hope is a break-through!


  1. I think you're doing just great! And the countryside is absolutely beautiful!

    1. Thank you for always believing in me! I am definitely going to miss these trails when we leave!
