Last night I ran the 34th Annual Torch Run in Rodenbach. This was a local 7K that I've wanted to run since we first moved here; however, life happens and I missed the last two. So, even though I was still a little sick and it was raining all day, this was my last shot to run it and I'm so glad I did!
The race made me laugh because it reminding me a lot of my "
cheating death" experience I had a few months ago...although, this run was at least organized, safe, and somewhat lit!
Basically, we started along the gymnasium in the village center then run out and around nearby fields to circle back to the gymnasium. It was super dark and misty/rainy and was only lit by these little torches scattered throughout the trail. I was thankful there was a chick with a headlamp running near me the first few km. I just kept looking down at my feet (super paranoid I would step in a puddle or slip and sprain an ankle) because, of course, I didn't have my glasses on (and we all know how well I see in the dark anyway).
Soon I found my groove though and I picked up my pace. I couldn't see my watch so I didn't know how far/fast I was going, I just went with what I was feeling and didn't worry about anything else. I kept thinking in my head, you don't have to keep up with anyone, you are slow and that's okay. But, then at one point, I was like...why? Why can't I be a
faster slower runner? I've
survived it once before. I felt good, there was no reason not to go faster, so I gave it a shot and I surprise myself!
I finished with a negative split, I PR'd, I came in 13th in my age group....and I ran 9 minute miles!
If you are ever in this region in November, I highly recommend this race! Here are some more pics from last night:
These guys were running to the race! |
(Those little dots were torches going up the hill, just an idea of how dark it was!) |
The best hot tea EVER, given out after the race! |
Yep, I am a dork. |
Group Shot! |
Way to represent, RAMSTEIN RUNNERS! |
You rock! You also scare me! I'm giving you a double dose of prayer this week, asking that you don't end up with walking pneumonia :) You are looking GREAT! . You're awesome!