Saturday, February 15, 2014

Mel On...NICE!

Hey, here's an's probably not smart to walk 7 miles, hike up a waterfall, go to a late-night light parade, get lost, and not go to bed before midnight on the eve of a 10 mile race...just saying.

But the good news is that we found the expo, I was able to pick up my bib and race pack, and we got to see some really cool things and make some awesome memories.  I can probably forget my time goal (1:45) tomorrow but at least I know I will PR since it's my first 16K!

Now it's time to rest these sore feet and get some much needed shut-eye!  Tomorrow should be interesting...wish me luck!


  1. Ummmmm, you enjoy the sites AFTER the race silly! ;-) Good luck girl!

  2. Glutton for punishment. Awesome pics Go get 'um.
