Thursday, February 13, 2014

Mel On...Tapering for Nice (and, of course, getting sick)

WHY?!  WHY is it that every time I begin to taper for a race I always seem to get sick? And, I'm not talking my "Sunday Sick" but congested, can't breathe, no appetite, exhausted, crabby sick.  Every.  Time.  

It's like I can almost pencil it in on my training calendar because I know 90% of the time it is going to (or has) happened.  I know I put a lot of stress on my body, but come on, you would think it would be happy with me for relaxing it a bit!

Anyway, so here I am packed and ready to go.  I take a photo and send it to my friend, Billy, to make sure I'm not forgetting anything important (and 9 times out of 10 I am!).  I also tend to freak out a bit and pack and re-pack everything a gazillion times so if I have photographic evidence of everything I put in my suitcase I'm less likely to spaz out about it...but not entirely...

It also helps to have a good race-day checklist.  My most important (in no particular order):

  • Race bib or confirmation e-mail and ID
  • Directions to Expo/packet pick-up, course map
  • Shoes, socks, sports bra, tank top
  • Watch, iPod w/ camera or iPhone, headset
  • Spi-belt or hydration belt (depending on race)
  • Sunglasses, chapstick, sunscreen, and Body Glide
  • Gels or fuel source (depending on distance)
  • Rain poncho or throw-away clothing (pre-race)
  • Dry socks, compression sleeves, sandals (post-race)
  • Ziplock bag (for sweaty clothes post-race)
  • And the all-might Vitamin M...MOTRIN!

What's your must-have on race day?

1 comment:

  1. I usually pack for warm and cold race conditions. I really doesn't matter if it rains or not, b/c I'm going to run the race anyway. Here are my race day "must":

    1. iPod with a new playlist (or at least a few new songs--DJ Marathon rocks).
    2. Band-aids (many uses, but mainly to protect my nips...we guys don't wear bras you know!).
    3. Baby wipes
    4. Garmin
    5. Fuel (gels)
    6. Breakfast (what I'll eat race day)
    7. Last but not least, Kadin's bracelet and Avery/Kadin dog tags.

    I can't wait to read about your Nice R&R race.
