Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Mel On...The Taper

This week I officially start tapering for the marathon.  WOW.  I can't believe it's almost here already!

I busted out my long run on Tuesday, which was only 14 miles.  But, it was 14 miles on the dreadmill with this bad boy on my heel.  NOT FUN.
UGH, why are feet so GROSS?!

I wasn't going to run it because I had been really sick the past 2 days but I got to FaceTime with Billy on Monday and that always pumps me up to run.  He told me it wouldn't hurt to miss it since I still have a 10 miler and a 12 miler left but I couldn't not run it.  I just couldn't do it, but I regretted it afterwards when I was close to puking and had a headache for the next 12 hours.  (I know there is a reason as to why I listen to him).

I just can't get myself adjusted to the fact that I am supposed to let up at this point. I've read countless articles about it and it's in every running book I've ever read and I know the importance of it, I do, but I just can't seem to let myself do it.

Don't get me wrong, my body is super-thrilled with the idea of less mileage and more rest days (we all know I love my rest days) but mentally I feel like I'm going to lose everything I've worked so hard at gaining these last 5 months.  ARG!  This is supposed to be the easy part!!!!

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