Friday, December 27, 2013

Mel On...2013 Rewind

Today I found myself "running" through all the wonderful (and some not so wonderful) memories of this past year and am in a state of incredible....gratefulness....

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Mel On...Merry Christmas!

LOVE this, taken from the FemFusion blog...check it our HERE!

Hope you have a wonderful holiday season!

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Mel On...Hill Repeats (and being really, really tired)

So...after the other day's "Training Update (and reaching my 750th mile this year)," I thought I had my training plan down (yet again) but then I decide I should throw in some hill repeat sessions once a week.  I really need to stop thinking...

...cause a 40 ft. increase in a tenth of a mile is about ridiculous....

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Mel On...Training Update (and reaching my 750th mile this year!)

This past week has been hectic trying to figure out my training plan for Nice and Weinstrasse.  There are so many things I want to incorporate but so little time to fit them all in!  

I think I have it figure out though and it will look something like this (although I'm switching up my rest/long run days and increasing mileage each week):

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Mel On...Homburg Cross-Training Hike

Today I went on my first cross-training hike with a lovely bunch of ladies from my running group...AND I LOVED IT!

The trail went 13+ km around castle ruins and ponds in the nearby village of Homburg.  There was a great mix of terrain and the scenery was simply gorgeous!  Some of the hills were a little intense but it's awesome training for my next upside for my backside!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Mel On...Deep Water Running (and my love of Eleanor Roosevelt)

Every so often I wake up with a hankering for something new and I think of Eleanor Roosevelt.  I read a book of her quotes once before and she really inspired me.  The two that stuck with the me most are the ones I try to live by:

Monday, December 2, 2013

Mel On...Getting It Together (or trying to)

So I was like, "I PR'd today in a race I didn't think I would finish...take that plantar fasciitis." 

And my feet were all  like, "well...okay..."

And they took it, they did...but then those bastards resent it in a fiery storm straight up my heels.  OUCH!!!!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Mel On...25th Annual Christmas Market Run

I have been wanting to do this run for a long time and seeing as this was my last chance to do it...dagnabit I was going to run it!  I didn't care my feet were still angry at me from the marathon, or that I was up until 2 a.m. being disappointed by Alabama football, or that I woke up with a sore throat and a stuffy head, or that we I misjudged our timing and we had to get dressed and leave our house in less than 15 minutes.  NO EXCUSES MEL! No excuses.

And let me tell you....IT WAS WORTH IT!

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Mel On...Super Stars

So here I am all proud that I finished Athens (in a whopping 6:09:03, mind you) and reached my goal of running a marathon at ah-hum, "24 yrs old"...then , I come across several articles about Winter Vinecki who also finished in Athens (in an impressive 4:03:53) and reached her goal of becoming the youngest person ever to run a marathon in all seven continents at the age of 14.  Can we say...WOW!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Mel On...Note to Sarah

Amanda workouts are back in full swing and my head and heart are super excited about that fact but my body wants to hide in a dark corner and not come out!

Monday, November 25, 2013

Mel On...Plantar Fasciitis

Here I am two weeks post marathon and STILL not able to run..this is so frustrating!!!

I miss my trails!
What is keeping me from my one of my favorite things? Plantar fasciitis...and IT SUCKS.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Mel On...Post Race Recovery

One would think that if someone spends 5 MONTHS preparing and training for their first marathon they would devote at least some attention to what will happen after they cross that finish would think...

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Mel On...Race Results and Official Photos

31st Athens Classic Marathon
Unofficial Results


Age CategoryF < 35

1st Half02:57:21
2nd Half03:11:43

Rank Gender1.119
Rank Age Cat.414


Mel On...Keeping My Head Up

The only thing that hurt more than my feet the next morning was going downstairs for breakfast and hearing everyone talk about their finishing times....4:45, 4:38, 3:57....I found myself trying to avoid telling people my time.  I know, I know, I know...I finished.  That was my goal.  I DID IT....but it still smarted...

Mel On...The Morning After

I woke up the next morning expecting not to be able to get out of bed.  I was pleasantly surprised to be able to get up and move around without any major soreness/stiffness...the bottoms of my feet hurt but that was about it!

It was weird to look around the hotel room at the "aftermath" of the race...

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Mel On...My First Marathon - Part 4 (Victory Dance!)

(Be sure to check out Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 of this crazy journey!)

It was probably a good thing we had to walk a few blocks from the finish to get to a spot where we could find a taxi to get back to the hotel. I wasn't excited about walking all the way back, mainly because it meant it would take longer for me to get something to eat, but I wasn't looking forward to sitting down for very long either.  Thankfully, it wasn't a very long cab ride, and surprisingly, I wasn't sore...I was just, so, so, HUNGRY!

Mel On...My First Marathon - Part 3 (More on the Finish!)

I can't tell you what it feels like to not only finish my first marathon, but to finish it in such a historical location..and to have my family there watching about priceless!

Mel On...My First Marathon - Part 2 (The Race!)

(Check out Part 1, Pre-Race: Here)

I don't know how to sum up 26.2 miles of awesomeness...the feeling crossing that finish line is indescribable! Here are some of the pics I took along the way, along with all the moments I never want to forget!

  • The feeling (every emotion in the world x10) at the start line.
  • Hearing the announcer wish us, "love, a good race, and good health" before our countdown.
  • Getting so excited seeing each kilometer sign...especially since my Garmin crapped out on me with 20 miles to go.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Mel On...My First Marathon - Part 1 (come on, you knew this would take several posts!)

Let me tell you, 0500 came early this morning...check that, 0245 came early this morning...because that is the time my husband's alarm clock went off so he could get up to watch the Bama game...and therefore that is when I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep....

Bless his heart, he tried to be quiet, he did.  But all I could here was cheering and announcers and him going "block him!" I wanted to throw my pillow at his face but he was sitting at the other end of the hotel room.  One word, Sanders, HEADPHONES!  I eventually fell back asleep, about 1/2 hr before I had to get up, but even if the game wasn't on, I don't think I would have gotten much sleep anyway!

The good news was that, Tracy, a girl from my running group - a "Kenyan" -  was staying at the same hotel we were.  We ended up sharing a cab to the bus stop...neither of us wanted to walk an extra 20 minutes on top of the 26.2 miles we were about to run!  It was also a lot more comforting having someone there with you (especially with the language barrier and race day jitters).

Bus pick-up went surprisingly smoothly.  We basically got into one of the first buses and didn't have long of a wait before we were off.  It took about 45 minutes to drive to Marathon.  I kept thinking in my head what a long bus ride it, silly me, I WOULD BE RUNNING THAT DISTANCE IN 3 HOURS!

Buses loaded and ready to head to Marathon!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Mel On...I DID IT!!!!



I crossed the finish line at 6:29:??, not sure if that is my official time or not (wave start) since my Garmin crapped out on me, but regardless I wanted under 6:30!  I DID IT!!!!

Now I am headed for a well deserved cheeseburger...I'll post more later!  I DID IT!!!!

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Mel On...The Best Support System EVER!

Well, this is it....tomorrow is "RACE DAY!"  I can't believe how incredibly long it has taken to get to this point and how ridiculously fast it seemed to come.  Tonight I just want to sincerely thank all my family and friends for their love and support throughout this amazing journey.  I'm sitting here in our hotel room going through all the little inspirations and motivational quotes from everyone and I am humbled.  I HAVE THE BEST SUPPORT SYSTEM EVER!  No matter what tomorrow brings I will be happy.  How can I not when there are that many people out there who love me and are rooting for me?!

Friday, November 8, 2013

Mel On...Packet Pick-Up (and our first day in Athens!)

We made it!  The flight over was quick and uneventful (the best kind of flights, in my opinion).  We had to walk what felt like a gazillion miles with luggage and two small kids to find our hotel, though.  Totally underestimated the language barrier on this trip! Athens was a lot prettier by air at that point...

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Mel On...Here We Go!

Today was packing day!  I can't believe we leave in the morning.  I am surprisingly calm.  Calm or defeated, I really can't tell which anymore....

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Mel On...Well, That's Not Good...

I thought I was pretty much over the sickness I had last week; however, this cough WILL NOT go away.  My body feels fine now, chest is still a little tight and I'll get a headache from coughing, but for the most part I feel good.  Yesterday's run was a little crappy but I thought it was just because I was on a dreadmill.  But, today's 4-miler was no better...

Monday, November 4, 2013

Mel On...Getting Excited!!!

There are not enough exclamation points for the end of that sentence!!!  I have been reading and looking at articles all day about yesterday's NYC Marathon and it is getting me super stoked for mine!

Largest marathon in the world...would love to run this one day!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Mel On...My First Torch Run!

 Last night I ran the 34th Annual Torch Run in Rodenbach.  This was a local 7K that I've wanted to run since we first moved here; however, life happens and I missed the last two.  So, even though I was still a little sick and it was raining all day, this was my last shot to run it and I'm so glad I did!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Mel On....Legs, Lungs, Head, Heart...(and coming a long, long way)

I went on my first run since being sick the other day, yay!  It was a short, quick 2 miler with my friend, Bri, around our village.  The foggy/cold weather coupled with the pile of bricks sitting on my chest didn't make it the easiest run on my poor lungs but my little, ole legs felt awesome! 

Friday, November 1, 2013

Mel On...History of the Marathon

From the First Modern Olympic Games:

"Starting in the town of Marathon itself and following the original route laid out in 1896 for the first ever marathon race, the Athens Classic Marathon also follows the route run by the legendary Athenian soldier who, over 2,500 years ago, raced back from the Marathon battlefield, where the Athenian army had just won a great victory over the invading Persians, in order to let the people of Athens know that they were safe. Legend tells of him collapsing into the arms of citizens at the base of the Acropolis and gasping news of the victory before dying from exhaustion. The organizers of the first ever modern Olympic Games, in 1896, decided to build a running event around this legend, and hence our marathon race was born...

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Mel On..."Sunday Sick"

Several people have e-mailed me this past week and asked me if I was still training and/or still alive.  FYI, love that fact that people are looking out for me.  The answer is, YES.  Yes, I am somewhat alive and somewhat training....

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Mel On...Why, Mel, Why?!

I made the mistake of graphing out the race course online last night.  Totally took me back to these thoughts.  Let's just say next time, I will refer to an elevation graph before I sign myself up for another 26 mile race! 

10 miles straight uphill in the middle!

Mel On...The Taper

This week I officially start tapering for the marathon.  WOW.  I can't believe it's almost here already!

I busted out my long run on Tuesday, which was only 14 miles.  But, it was 14 miles on the dreadmill with this bad boy on my heel.  NOT FUN.
UGH, why are feet so GROSS?!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Mel On...Bad, Dreams, BAD!

Last night I had a horrible dream...HORRIBLE!

I was in a car with my friend, Maria, and two other girls who I knew in my dream but have no earthly idea who they are in real life.  We were heading to the marathon but instead of it being in Athens it was in a really lush, green forest and there was a HUGE mall/high school track building thing where we were supposed to start from??  We had to park in the very back of the parking lot and we got lost in the mall part of the building before finding the school part of the building.  Anyway, we end up finding the right place but the race was delayed for a couple hours. We went to someone's house and the toilet was overflowing and I realized that I didn't have my Camelbak, earphones, fuel, NOTHING for the race. I even left my phone in the car so I had to run back to get it but it was coming close to the start of the race so I had to sprint and got really tired.  Then when I got back, the race was delayed again.  There was also some roach-coach type food trucks outside by the field but instead of selling food they were selling running stuff.  I kept asking people about what to do for blisters but no one would tell me.  Then I saw Billy sitting at a picnic table, but I didn't have time to talk to him because this huge football coach guy started making everyone do stretches.  Then we had to line up for our race packs and Maria (8 months pregnant) was there wearing a white karate uniform and so was the guy from Kendrick Fitness (just not pregnant or in a karate uniform).  What is going on?! So, we get our packs then have to run around the building to the starting line but the line out the door is packed with Kenyans (Kenyans again!) and I lost my phone!  I was trying to retrace my steps in my head to find my phone when I woke up.....AGH!!!  WHAT WAS THAT?!

Needless to say, I woke up quite flustered so I thought I'd look up why this horrible scene played out in my  mind.  This is the article I found, "5 Reasons You Dream."

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Mel On..My First Running Clinic

Today I went to my first running clinic.  I was really excited because I thought they were going to take us to the track and watch us run, analyze our form, do some drills, etc.  I guess I got the wrong class...

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Mel On...Surviving

Well, after the horror that was yesterday - which made me rethink everything down to my mere existence - I am better.  Check that.  I am proud.

Mel On...When Things Don't Go As Planned...

Today was my last big run before Athens and it was supposed to be 20 miles long.  Supposed to be.

However, a series of mistakes and unforeseen events changed that plan several times both before and during the run.  I was really excited about this one too but as soon as I realized that things weren't going as planned I tried to refocus and restrategize; but, alas, there was no hope for what was about to happen.

**Spoiler Alert**
Probably delving into a little TMI 
but I promised myself not to sugar-coat my experiences...
so here's me keeping it real, ya'll

Monday, October 14, 2013

Mel On...26 Days of Inspiration

Well...26 days from now I will be running 26.2 miles...holey moley...I still feel like I am just at the start of this journey and not nearing the end!

So in honor of my 26 miles in 26 days I thought I would share 26 of my favorite running inspirations from my dear friend, Pinterest.  Enjoy!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Mel On...(Trying to) Play It Smart

Sooooo....I've been wanting to do another obstacle-course-type race for a while now and I've had my eye on the Strongman Run in Luxembourg this month; however, by the time I committed myself to it mentally, I thought the race had sold out.  Then, I get a message from a fellow runner that she has a transferable spot on her team and that if I wanted it, it was mine....well, YEAH!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Mel On...Calling In a Favor!

Welp, only ONE MORE MONTH until the big day and I am getting SUPER NERVOUS over here.  Super nervous....

To calm my nerves, someone suggested me have family and friends write down encouraging words for me to read the night before the race. I love this idea. But I'm thinking after about 20 miles, I'm going to need some reinforcements on the day of too!

Sooooo....I'm calling in a favor....can you please send me a short voice-recorded audio file that I can shuffle into my playlist to keep me going during the race?  It can be as short or long as you like as long as it is motivational and upbeat.  The kids are recording some of my favorite running mantras and I can't wait to hear their little voices as I run along.  Thinking about it makes me get excited...but still super nervous...super nervous!

30 days, 11 hours, 11 minutes, 44 seconds

Mel On..Never Underestimate the Power of a Good Running Buddy

This morning I woke up to a downpour. I knew for sure it would be raining too hard to do my run with my friend, Bri...and I'm not going to lie...I was a little excited.  We've been having such nice weather and this morning it was rainy and cold and just not fun weather to go run in and my bed was soooo nice and cozy...

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Mel On...Why Blog?

Someone asked me the other day why I chose to blog about my running adventures. 

To be honest, I really didn't have a good reason.  I just started it as a means of recording my marathon journey, mainly to keep me accountable.  And, although I haven’t been doing it for very long, it is already fun to re-read all the ups-and-downs I've experienced along the way…and there are a LOT of them, lol…either that or I am suffering from an undiagnosed bipolar disorder.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Mel On...Putting the Tiger in the Cat

Today was the best - and the weirdest - run I've had in a long time...and it was EIGHTEEN MILES!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Mel On...Mind Games

Well, today I had a 5 mile run scheduled ON THE DREADMILL.  Yes, the dreadmill.  And here is the kicker...I did it on purpose.  ON PURPOSE.  And, if you can believe it...I actually didn't mind the fact that I was on the dreadmill!
Testing out the new shoes!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Monday, September 30, 2013

Mel On...The 16 Miler

I was talking to my friend and running coach, Billy, last night.  He had just gotten done with a 22 miler (which really made me feel bad for dreading the 16 I was to run the next day).  I told him I was all hopped-up on cold meds and wasn't sure how the run was going to pan out.  I didn't hear from him before I went to bed but I saw his reply at 5:00 a.m.:  "Just run at conversational pace and enjoy it."

Mel On...Mama's Got a New Pair of Shoes!

Well...I did go to Fem Fusion last Friday but I did not do that 4-miler.  I did something much better for my knees (and my psyche)...Mama went shoe shopping!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Mel On...This Week's Training Update

OMG am I tired.  This week has been a rough one for me and I'm not sure why....but I have a feeling it has to do with my dear friend, Amanda, and a new running trail through the upper hills in our village...

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Mel On...RAB Half Marathon

Like I said, yesterday was the Ramstein Half Marathon.  I went into it thinking I would use it as a good training opportunity for the full and raise money for the Million Mile Run while doing it.  I wasn't going to focus on speed because I had already run a long-run that week.  However, after talking to my friend Billy, Kadin's dad and an amazing friend and running coach, I decided I was going to change that plan!

After giving me some much-needed training advice, Billy told me that he was sponsoring me for the Million Mile Run at $2 per mile.  Kadin's favorite number.  So that was it...I was going to try to finish in 2:22!

Mel On...Why the Million Mile Run?

Yesterday I ran the Ramstein Half Marathon, as part of the Million Mile Run, to raise money for childhood cancer research and development (check out the recap HERE).  Specifically, my donations will go to Leukemia and Lymphoma research in honor of a special little boy named Kadin.  Although I never got the chance to meet this amazing fella, I fell in love with him through his amazing family.

We have been friends with them for 4 yrs. now.  They are the kind of people who you just fall in love with instantly.  The wife is beautiful, the husband is hilarious, and the little girl is the sweetest person you will ever meet.  They will do anything for anyone without thinking twice about it.  They are Texas fans, but we try not to hold that against them.

So yesterday, and for the rest of September, I am honored to be running on behalf of their son.  If you haven't already donated, and would like to, please go's not too late!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Mel On...The 15 Miler

Well, it happened.  The dreaded 15-miler was yesterday.  And you know what?  It wasn't that bad!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Mel On...Gettin' Motivated

Today I watched "Spirit of the Marathon" in an attempt to get motivated for the 15-miler I have coming up tomorrow...and that whole marathon thing I signed up for in less than 2 months...

Friday, September 13, 2013

Mel On...Sprints, Pleeeease....

Today was sprints/interval speed work day.  Let me tell you, usually me and either s* word (speed or sprints) do NOT mix.  Today, the stars must have aligned because today I rocked that track.  ROCKED IT.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Mel On...Training Update

So this week I taper off my long runs a bit.  I was so excited to see only 10 miles on my calendar.  (I’m somewhat following Hal Higdon’s Novice 1 Training Plan).  I was even more excited when I realized that I can now classify 10 miles as an easy run….it’s only 10 miles…Can we say #winning!!!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Mel On....Deutsche Weinstrasse Half Marathon

I AM SO EXCITED!  I Just signed up for another half marathon…one that involves WINE!  You read correctly, my friends, WINE! Wohoo!  The only thing that could make this better would be…

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Mel On...Friendships

I have this friend.  Her name is Amanda...and I want to stab her.  However, my arms are barely cooperating to write this post, let alone pick up a heavy object with force.  That, and she'd probably run.  And the way these legs are feeling today, that ain't happening either.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Mel On...The Million Mile Run

I've started a group with a bunch of amazing runners to raise money for Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation for Childhood Cancer.  Throughout September we are making all our miles count...who's with us?!

You can donate through our fundraising page or sponsor an individual or the team on a per-mile basis.  It's only the first day and we have raised $740 and have ran a total of 17.5 miles.  I'm hoping to personally run over 100 and raise $1,000!

Here is the link; go check us out!  

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Mel On...What Did I Just Do?! know that feeling I was talking about when you run?  That, "life is awesome, I can do anything" jazz you feel when you hit the proverbial "runner's high?"  The feeling that leads you to sign up for things you are totally not prepared for?  Like, say, a marathon...

Mel On...The Beginning a.k.a. "Why I Run"

I am a "24" year old female (plus or minus 6 years) who was semi-active in high school and not-so-active afterwards.  I enjoyed sports and working out but, coming from South Georgia, the last thing I wanted to do in the humidity was run.