Monday, March 31, 2014

Mel On...Plans Change and PRs Happen! (9th Deutsche Weinstrasse Half Marathon)

Last night I was too excited to sleep!  We had a hectic, early morning (thanks time change) but we made it to our meet up point somewhat on time and caravanned to one of the designated parking lots outside of Bockenheim, Germany for shuttle pick up to the 9th Deutsche Weinstrasse Half Marathon!

Saturday, March 29, 2014


Tomorrow morning we are heading down the German wine road for another half marathon! Hello, Deutsche Weinstrasse! This race only happens every other year so I am super stoked I get to run this one before we leave.  SUPER STOKED!

I didn't think I would be this excited but I should know better by now. There is something about the night before and the morning of a race that is just, well, exciting!  It's like don't know what you are going to get.  It could be a PR!  The stars could align and tomorrow could be your day...or, the weather can go to crap, your Ipod could die, and you could DNR...anything could happen!

Friday, March 28, 2014

Mel On...Didn't See That One Coming

This week has been a little hectic.  We've had craziness going on on the home front and a lot of things have been weighing on my little old mind.  I was reviewing my training logs and this past month was nothing but 7's and 8's on my "head" and "heart" scale.  "Legs" and "lungs" were ranging from 7's to 9's (minus the pain in my left leg, THAT is still happening).  I just haven't been feeling into it and I have gotten myself into a little funk.  

Well, well, well....what better to get out of a funk than to a) hit autopilot on a 10 mile solo run b) buy new running shoes, c) hit up a new trail with an old friend, and d) treat yourself to some FemFusion Fitness and then a lady's lunch!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Mel On...New Shoes (new very bright blue shoes)

Well, I finally broke down and got me some new running shoes.  Let's just say you will be hard-pressed not to see me coming in these bad, are they blue!

They are also 10x more comfortable than my old running shoes and are way less "restricting."  I've had a hard time with running shoes.  The very first pair I bought were Asics but they made me feel like my feet were lopsided when I ran and I couldn't go very far in them without something hurting (but, then again, I was just starting out running and EVERYTHING hurt).  I tried a new pair of Asics but I was still having problems with them and was now having hip pain.

Mel On...Runner's World Just Gets Me (Chicken-Quinoa Soup)

If I haven't said it before, I will say it now....I LOVE MY RUNNER'S WORLD COOKBOOK.  Like, for realz.

Yesterday was kinda icky and what is more comforting on a rainy, cold day than a big bowl of scrumptious soup after a lonely 10-miler?  Not much, my friends...not much...

Friday, March 21, 2014

Mel On...(Another) Friday Night Wine Run

It's 4:28 p.m. I'm pacing in front of my window.  I have a 4:30 p.m. group run. WHERE IS MY HUSBAND?!  He pulls in and I quickly kiss him goodbye as I strap on my watch and head out the door...didn't care it was upper 40's, didn't care it was rainy, didn't care there were 18 mph winds, didn't care about the fog or the fact that it was going to be dark by the time I got home.  Didn't care.  All I cared about was getting to my group run...I JUST WANTED TO RUN!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Mel On...I Guess It's P.T. for M.E.

Well, well, well....I guess I owe you $5.  I went to the doctor the other day and was referred to Physical Therapy for the pain in the back of my knee. My first appointment is in two weeks...

(Actually, I had to strong-arm a referral out of the man because he did try to recommend the whole pop and Motrin and wait three weeks deal so we will call this one even).  

Monday, March 17, 2014

Mel On...The Breakdown Before the Break-Through (hopefully)

Ok, not going to lie, last week was rough.  I just felt completely BLAH, my kids were sick, I was dodging it back and forth all week, my head wasn't in the game, I ate like crap, didn't have the energy to exercise, it was just rough.

I went from 4-hrs of cross-training and a 28-mile week to a 2-hr of cross-training and a .5-mile week!  It really hit my conscience and I honestly think the lack of exercise coupled with a week of crappy eating is what made me feel so blah...anyway...this week I AM IN IT TO WIN IT!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Mel On...A Maddy Run

My little girl loves going on runs with me (and by running I mean me pushing her 40 lb body in what feels like an 80 lb stroller).  Every time I go out the door, "Mommy, can I go with you?!"  I love taking her but it is KILLER trying to get around the hills in our village with that darn stroller.  SOOOOO...I kicked her out of it.

Not really, not really...but really. 

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Mel On...The Trail Less Traveled

Went on another trail run with Sarah today!  We started off going through the trails near my daughter's school...then decided to "veer off the beaten path."  Adventerous, we are.

The weather was perfect this morning, in the mid-40's and sunny.  Unfortunately though, neither of us were "feeling" it.  We kept it at a nice, easy, conversational pace with no other expectations than running about 7 miles...good thing because we had to walk, leap, and crawl for part of our "run!"

Monday, March 3, 2014

Mel On...Um...YUM! (Spicy Sausage Mushroom Soup)

My husband surprised me with The Runner's World Cookbook last month (he loves me!) so I've been trying new recipes out the past few weeks!  One of my FAVS is this Spicy Sausage Mushroom Soup recipe:

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Mel On...3rd Annual Cuddeback Memorial 5K

Today was the 3rd Annual A1C Zachary Cuddeback Memorial 5K.  This is the second year I have ran this race and it just keeps getting better!  There were hundreds of runners, supporters, and volunteers who came out to remember the life of a fallen Airman and raise money for an amazing cause!

A1C Zachary Cuddeback was an outstanding invidiual who was tragically taken from us on March 2, 2011 at Frankfurt International Airport, Germany by a misguided individual targeting the United States military.  A1C Cuddeback was one of the two Airmen who lost their lives during the shooting, while two additional Airmen were critically injured and had to undergo numerous surgeries to recover from the incident.  A1C Cuddeback served as a vehicle operator/ dispatcher for the 86th Vehicle Readiness Squadron (VRS) for over a year and was an integral part of the VRS family.  He is survived by his mother, father, and brother in America. -- 86th VRS