Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Mel On...Training Update (and reaching my 750th mile this year!)

This past week has been hectic trying to figure out my training plan for Nice and Weinstrasse.  There are so many things I want to incorporate but so little time to fit them all in!  

I think I have it figure out though and it will look something like this (although I'm switching up my rest/long run days and increasing mileage each week):

That is, as long as my feet cooperate with me!  I've been on a few easy runs now and they still burn/tingle at the end of the day but for the most part I think they are getting better.  They survived through a 4 mile run through a new trail and kickboxing yesterday so that's something, right?

Here are some pics from the trail:

(Memorial for those who passed away during an airshow crash on Ramstein in 1988)

(If you look close there were two deer in the field!)

The trail was really peaceful (minus the whole getting there off the road part) and I def. will go back!


I hit my 750th mile for the year!

Mile 750! 


  1. What a scenic running trail. Congratulations on your 750th mile....stone. Proud of ya girl!
