Monday, September 30, 2013

Mel On...The 16 Miler

I was talking to my friend and running coach, Billy, last night.  He had just gotten done with a 22 miler (which really made me feel bad for dreading the 16 I was to run the next day).  I told him I was all hopped-up on cold meds and wasn't sure how the run was going to pan out.  I didn't hear from him before I went to bed but I saw his reply at 5:00 a.m.:  "Just run at conversational pace and enjoy it."

Not going to lie, I was really hoping that he'd be like, "Oh, Mel, you should really rest...take the day off...long runs aren't that important."  That is for sure what my bed was telling me when I pried myself off of it.  But, I am glad he didn't and I'm glad I got out.  The run was 10 miles of horrible and 6 miles of okayness, not necessarily in that order.  But, I did it and it was my last day to do it for an awesome cause.

Because it was so early, I had to drive to base and run under the street lights.  

Good Morning, Moon
The first 2 miles were freezing and I kept questioning why in the world I was out there at the butt-crack of dawn torturing myself when I should be curled up in a nice warm bed with a hot cup of coffee and some Candy Crush.  Then I found my grove and the next 4 miles were okay.  I don't usually run on base so I wasn't sure where I was going.  There are wooded trails but they are not lit so I stayed on the main stretches which was fine until rush hour started and all the kids started walking to school.  Then it was just annoying.

That is when my dear friend, Sarah, came to my rescue.  We were supposed to run later in the morning but my son was sick so I had to get it in before my husband went to work.  I texted her that I was already running on base and she came and ran the last 7 miles with me.  I don't know many people who would do that at 7:00 a.m....she totally rocks!

And, honestly, I do not think I would have kept running if she had not came out and kept me focused. By the time she got there I was mad at the world.  Why is there so much stupid traffic on base?  I look like a scuba diver in this stupid camelbak and headband.  What am I doing?!  My Garmin MUST be broken because I know I've ran farther than the stupid thing is telling me I have. Why is it so cold?!  STUPID. STUPID. STUPID. 

And, poor Sarah, she was so happy and energetic.  I was really hoping some of it would transfer to me.  It didn't.  But, I did complete the run.  I probably scared her from ever wanting to run with me again even though she said she understood my frustrations.  I hope I didn't because she really is an awesome running partner!

Once I got home and thawed out I was happy I stuck with I just have to figure out how to get Billy and Sarah to Athens....

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