Sunday, January 12, 2014

Mel On..."People of Walmart" Fun Run

This has been a pretty awesome training week!  My mind was going a little crazy from the unexpected (but much needed) hiatus I took and I was really excited to get back out there...

It started with my favorite route around our village, then I explored some new trails, got my butt kicked in kick-boxing, sneaked in some Quick Core, survived an Amanda workout, went on a cross-training hike, attacked some hills, got my weekly dose of FemFusion, busted out some sprints on the track, and ended it with a hilarious, early-morning 5K!  Whew.  I am REALLY ENJOYING my rest day today!

The 5K was awesome!  It was put together by a wonderful chick in our running group (shout out to my ladies!) and involved dressing up like "People of Walmart!"  I haven't been that excited to be up at 6:30 a.m. on a Saturday in a long time!

What made it better was that my little girl got to go with me!  She asked me if she could start running with me this year (like really running with me, not just in the stroller).  I told her she could once it got a little warmer, until then she has to be content with the stroller and she was! She was so cute when she noticed that another mom and older daughter had showed up for the run..."Mommy, that will be us!"  I can't wait to take her out on our own little "runs!"  I am also not ashamed to say I am ready to get rid of that stroller, a 40 lb kid in a 20 lb stroller does not an easy run make.  (Thanks girls for the extra hands today)!

My daughter did not know what to think about all these crazy ladies in our outfits.
"MOMMY you didn't even brush your HAIR." Bahahahaha!

The perfect ending to an amazing week!  Can't wait to do it all again on Monday!

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