Saturday, January 4, 2014

Mel On...I'm Baaaaaack! (New Year, New Goals)

Hi, guys!  After an apparently much-needed doctor-ordered hiatus, a couple-quick vacations, and the holidays, I am ready to start running again.  READ-DY.

To say I am excited is an understatement!  Things were pretty bleh earlier this month.  I underestimated the stress I was putting on my body and overestimated my ability to recover from it.  Lesson learned.

I go back to the doctor in a week for my final results from the tests they ran but all seems well.  I haven't felt like passing out lately or gotten dizzy walking across the room and that is always a win!  The antibiotics they gave me for the walking pneumonia seemed to help (no matter how skeptical I was).

BACK-TRACK:  Remember the horrible cough I had right before the marathon?  This doc thinks I had it then and the leftover infection was what was wearing me out, even though the cough had left.  That makes me mad because I went to the clinic when that whole thing was going on and the lady ruled out strep throat and that was the end of it.

Anyway, here I am and I'm ready to go.  I didn't reach my goal of 1,000 miles in one year - BUT - I did get somewhat close by ending the year at 764.2!  I will take it.  This was an aggressive goal for me and I really didn't think I would make it that far and that's pretty exciting!  I can't wait to see what number I can reach next year (that's right, I'm keeping the yearly goal until I make it)!

Speaking of goals, and it being the start of a new year, I thought I would share my "motto" for 2014. (I don't do resolutions. I can't keep one to save my life and it just sets me up for failure).  In 2012 my motto was "No excuses, Mel." (I would always come up with a way to talk myself out of things).  In 2013 my motto was "Be a finisher."  (I started a bunch of stuff (no excuses, Mel) but I would end up starting something else before I could finish the first thing I started - also a good motto to have when you are running your first marathon!).

So this year, my motto is "Just be; just breathe."  I want to be in the moment and enjoy every minute of it!

I'm so excited for the fresh start a new year brings!  Now to go lace up those running shoes and start enjoying some more of those moments!

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